
how to turn your hobby into a profitable side hustle - turn passion into profit

If you have solved a problem in your life, and other people also experience that problem, you are more than qualified to help them solve it.

In the digital economy, you don’t need a fancy credential or a prestigious degree.

Your life experience is your qualification.

Most people will spend 8 hours on someone else’s
dreams for hours, hiding from their own.
2 hours sit in traffic.
16 hours a week, 24 hours of sleep.

It doesn’t have to take 40 years. And a retirement plan to realize that a programmed life isn’t fulfilling.

Work hard at your job and bring value BUT work harder on yourself.

You are your best investment, invest accordingly.

You do not not want to work, you want to work on something meaningful.

To be independent, you need to break free from depending too much on others.
Well I mean your job.

Rely too heavily on pay check to pay check for your well-being, and it will hold you back.

Build your own thing.
Build something you are passionate about.
Build what will last. It’s a process, but it’s a path that will make you self-reliant.

“Since the invention of the plow, men have schemed ways to eat bread without walking behind one.” - Nick Allen

There’s a bunch of practical stuff for you.

I want to take a moment to talk about your fear and to me this is really the heart of today’s letter.

You have found your passion.

You know that for example building digital products is what you really care about and you want to start something that you can call your own.

But you’re afraid.

Let me start by saying that nothing could be more normal than that.

Every entrepreneur,
every business owner,
every artist, every self-starter has fear.

In fact I think you’d be a little crazy not to be afraid of going or taking a chance on yourself.

The Internet is your public resume. Your public portfolio.

You have been using it wrongly:

  • Excessive meme sharing
  • Binge watching Netflix
  • Mindless scrolling
  • Posting snaps

It’s weekend after weekend until you wake up 5 years later with no savings, no investments, no house, no skills and no job. Just a gallery full of photo memories with people you don’t know where they went.

Those who use the internet to share ideas, build businesses, and create life-changing products gain access to luck that 99% of the population isn’t aware of.

An online side hustle is a flexible way to earn extra money by using your skills and interests.

There are many options for online side hustles, depending on your goals: availability and experience.

  1. Note down your observation of what people are looking for.
    If there is a high demand for it, you have a gold mine to profit from.

  2. If you have solved a problem in your life, you’re qualified to start a side hustle.
    As much as you think people know everything you know, they don’t.

Money is literally everywhere.

All you need to do is find a problem people have that’s stopping them from progressing.

Find a few solutions and then offer it to them.

Providing you’re good at what you do, it’s impossible not to make money.

Business is problem solving.

You should be learning and testing new things out all the time.
If you don’t you’ll fall behind.

I started my first profitable side hustle when I identified that the company I worked with lacked the man power to meet the increasing demand for it’s services.

I used Notion to develop a landing page that had a few copy about the business services, with a google form for taking applications.

Pitched the idea to the CEO.

I took a percentage on every successful hire.

And I literally used free software. Just a laptop and internet.

People care about themselves and the value you can deliver. Teach, entertain, show them the way.

It’s your responsibility to package your offer in a way that others can profit from it.

Create your own career that doesn’t depend on a capped paycheck.

The future belongs to those who create their own careers through a wide range of synergistic skills.

The age of the internet is the age of the entrepreneur.

You can build an entertainment, education, or service based business around nearly any interest.

You can create a profitable side hustle:

  1. Create a list of activities that interest you.
    Your side hustle should involve an activity that you enjoy so you can stay motivated and productive.

  2. Research the market and the demand.
    Before you invest your time and money into a side hustle, you should do some research to see if there is a need for your service or product, and who your potential customers are.

  3. Set realistic goals and expectations.
    A side hustle is not a get-rich-quick scheme, and it may take some time to see results so you should set SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound) and track your progress.

  4. Choose a platform or a website to showcase your work.
    Depending on your side hustle, you may need a platform or a website to promote your work and connect with customers. Social media is free. Facebook, X, LinkedIn, start with any of this.

  5. Market yourself and network with others.
    To grow your side hustle, you need to market yourself and your work to potential customers.

You can use social media, email marketing, word-of-mouth, or other strategies to spread the word.

You can also network with other side hustlers and learn from their experiences.

On that note join our community of Builders, Creators and Side hustlers taking over the digital space. Learn the skills you need to thrive in the digital economy: Skillembassy

Don’t waste this opportunity.

If you told someone 30 years ago
You could build a business.
Without leaving home.
With no money to your name.

They would’ve thought.
You’re crazy.
A scammer.
A crazy scammer.

And yet, here we are.
If you’re here, you’re ahead.


Become addicted to helping people. Free. Paid. It doesn’t matter.

Just help.

Soon enough the universe will catch up and pay you what you deserve.

If you help enough people get what they want, you get everything you want.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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